Going Through Rumspringa
Amish community allows its adolescent followers to start exploring the world, and this is done to enhance their knowledge and overall understanding of different cultures and traditions along with other practices. They are also allowed to go far beyond their home and also have the freedom to experience the stuff that is prohibited for them back at home or in their community. The practice is given the name of Rumspringa, and it is derived from German vocabulary that literally translates to ‘jumping or hopping around.

Going Through Rumspringa
No Strict Marriage Rules
By seeing the set of strict rules that are being set up by the Amish community’s holy text, one might assume that there will also be strict rules when it comes to marriage. Well, there isn’t. The Amish community, in general, doesn’t do arranged marriages, and the rules are the same as the rest of the society. However, a few communities tend to encourage arranged marriages as they claim it to be more pious.

No Strict Marriage Rules