Following a Strict Protocol
When it comes to a follower of the Amish religion, he/she has to follow a very strict set of rules to live their lives. Their holy text Ordnung jots down a set of rules, and all the followers need to live their life by this specific set of protocol. The guidelines or the prohibited things that you will get in this community span out to every aspect, such as clothing, education, and/or embracing technology. Ordnung itself has a literal meaning of order/discipline that is taken from the German vocabulary.

Following A Strict Protocol
An Autonomy
The Amish culture has no higher authority to control them or make everyone follow their fundamentals. It’s like local autonomy where the church is allowed to change the Ordnung according to the desired requirements. The authority is being given to the churches, and going by this amendment, each and every Amish community can have their own set of rules. This has made some of the communities deal with much stricter rules compared to communities living in other parts of the area.

An Autonomy