The Arsenal Takes Priority
Knowing the United States, guns will always take priority when it comes to pioneering military developments, and the SSN(X) class is no different with its fearsome proposed arsenal. The plan is to stuff as many as fifty Tomahawk cruise missiles into this new submarine, which is more than enough to level a small town. But how capable would the SSN(X) be if it had to face off against one of Russia’s new and deadly submarines?

The Arsenal Takes Priority
Imagine A New And Improved Seawolf Class
This new sub will most likely be comparable to the Seawolf-class, at least when it comes to its appearance. Regarding every other department, the new model plans to beat the Seawolf in every way, becoming a bigger, more powerful, and more silent evolution. The Seawolf-class is part of the nuclear-powered division of submarines called SSN, where the SS stands for a submarine in U.S. Navy hull classification symbology, and the N means nuclear power. Improving on the Seawolf’s nuclear power system will be a tall order, however.

Imagine A New And Improved Seawolf Class