Bonus Discoveries
As a result of the Lost 52 Project’s efforts, two further World War II submarines, the R-12 and the Grayback, were identified. The USS Grunion was discovered off the shore of Alaska, while the USS S-28 was discovered off the coast of Hawaiian seas. A vessel from the Cold War era, the USS Stickleback, was discovered in a similar manner off the coast of Hawaii. Overall, Taylor and his team’s efforts have been rewarded with a number of important victories.

Bonus Discoveries
Reviewing Old Files
At some point during his quest for the Grayback, the ocean explorer came in touch with a Japanese scholar named Yutaka Iwasaki, who was tasked with combing through the papers of the Sasebo base, which had been utilized by the Japanese Imperial Navy during World War II. There were regular radio reports from Naha on Okinawa Island, which had been the site of a Japanese navy air base, among the data kept at the facility.

Reviewing Old Files