Getting To Grips With Southern Hospitality – The True Meaning Of Southern Phrases

Published on 05/07/2021

Living In High Cotton

Those that know anything about the South’s history will tell you that cotton was the cornerstone of this part of the world’s economy. It also happened to be at the center of the American Civil War, as the mass harvesting of cotton was only possible through the mass usage of slaves. For this reason, you might want to be a bit careful when you use the expression “living in high cotton” to describe how well your life is going, as it might upset those that link it to the darker side of American history.

Living In High Cotton

Living In High Cotton


Hush Your Mouth

We do not think that this rude command needs much explanation, as you have most likely been told to keep quiet enough times in your life by various teachers and parents to recognize what this Southern take on demanding that someone stop speaking means. “Hush your mouth” is one of the many ways that people will tell each other to shut up, like “put a cork in it”, “zip the lip”, or “hold your tongue”.

Hush Your Mouth

Hush Your Mouth