Getting To Grips With Southern Hospitality – The True Meaning Of Southern Phrases

Published on 05/07/2021


This is another informal term that has different meanings according to your location, and North Americans and British people have unique usages for it. In the Southern context, however, it is used to describe a person with plenty of courage, resourcefulness, and initiative. A person with plenty of gumption is the kind that you want as a CEO of a business, or as an officer in a military group. Those with plenty of gumption are more likely to be promoted in a Southern business.




I Declare

“I declare” or “I do declare” is one of the most famous Southern expressions, popularized by films like Gone With The Wind, where a character like Scarlett O’Hara (played by Vivien Leigh) would use it often when troubled or passionate. This expression is used to emphasize the speaker’s point, for example, “I do declare, that was a rousing performance on the field from our boys!” Think of it as the Southern version of “I say” that British nobility and the upper class stereotypically use.

I Declare

I Declare