Family is Frightened by Strange Sounds in Their New Home

Published on 11/30/2020

The Biggest Job Ever

Although he had decades of bee removal experience, this was certainly going to be the biggest hive that David had ever encountered. As it stood, he had no idea just how big it actually was, and was in for a shock.

The Biggest Job Ever

The Biggest Job Ever

Initially, the family thought only a small portion of the wall would have to be scaled, in order to gain safe access to the hive. After seeing the extensive bricks he had to remove, they decided to get in touch with a builder who could later help with fixing the wall.


As Safely as Possible

David removed one brick at a time, ensuring that he wasn’t disturbing the hive and potentially causing a safety problem for people in the neighborhood. This task was going to require an alternative approach to just brute force.

As Safely As Possible

As Safely As Possible

Safety wasn’t the only thing on his mind, as he removed each brick. He wanted to cause the least amount of damage, ensuring that the family who lived in the house wouldn’t be put out financially in the process too.