The Shocking Revelation These Loggers Saw When They Cut Down This Hollow Tree

Published on 02/27/2020

Taking a Break

It all happened back in 1980, where a group of loggers from Georgia Kraft Co. (about 7-8 persons) left for work a few minutes after 10 AM. Their journey saw them traveling in an empty truck to the site where they knew a lot of work was up for completion. They knew a lot was required of them for that day, so they were focused on meeting their quota for the day.
As they reached the work location, they got to work immediately. The day seemed all good, but little did they know that after their lunch break, things would change. When they got back to work after resting for a while, one tree stood out to them as being different than a tree of its kind should be.

Taking a Break

Taking a Break


A Tree with a Strange Feature

They were set to meet their quota for the day as they had downed most of the trees they should for that period. However, a few remained, including one that seemed a little light to the touch and may have been hollow inside.
Looking at the tree, they thought to themselves that it was the easiest of the work’s duties compared to the others. But, there was just something odd about the tree, and they were eager to find out what was going on.

A Tree with a Strange Feature

A Tree with a Strange Feature