The Shocking Revelation These Loggers Saw When They Cut Down This Hollow Tree

Published on 02/27/2020

Being Preserved

During the different assessments, Kristina would explain in small bits what happened. She noted the breaking down of tissues, and the decaying process led to the putrefaction process where the tissue would be eaten up after the creature died.
“The thing is they grow, reproduce and take over the entire body,” Kristina noted. And, as it turned out, this seemed like a more logical explanation.

Being Preserved

Being Preserved


A Preservative Tree

Chestnut has a preservative feature through its organic substances, tannin, and desiccant, which is known to absorb moisture. Killgrove noted this tree was famous for this feature and was one of those that altered the way nature would normally run its show. As such, the dog’s body was able to last longer than it usually would after dying.
The sapping of moisture allowed the microbes to shy away from eating up the body tissues. But there was one other question – what about scavengers who smelled the carcass and would come searching for it? Sure enough, the tree preservation was just an icebreaker to unsolving.

A Preservative Tree

A Preservative Tree