These 20+ Photos Will Make You See The World Differently

Published on 12/23/2020

The Water’s Shape

When you look at this picture from a select angle, it will seem like a cool mini-city designed and crafted out of ice. However, it is actually an ice crystal that was discovered in Switzerland. This area is always known to create amazing crystal designs and features a lot of clear water. This is surely one of nature’s best ways to impress us. Who could really tell that water knew how to get into shape this good?

The Waters Shape

The Waters Shape


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This photo is a little interesting and creepy all in one, and yeah, a little vintage. It may seem like someone had this photo and highlighted the people in a black and white form. However, sad to say, it is far from that as the reality of this picture tells the story of the Ontake volcanic eruption in Japan some years ago. The eruption took over the entire area and left this major temple covered in a large ash mass.

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