These 20+ Photos Will Make You See The World Differently

Published on 12/23/2020

Small Technology

Technology doesn’t really surprise us anymore as there are so many things that we thought couldn’t even be possible. Can you imagine the world’s smallest computer compares in size to a rice grain? Yes, it just goes to show how far technology has come and just how much is left to be achieved. With this reality happening now, we are only left to wonder what technology will present us within the next couple of years. Well, it further cements our point that nothing really surprises us anymore.

Small Technology

Small Technology


America’s Love For The Golden Arches

Can you tell what this picture is trying to say from where you stand? If not, let’s tell you – it’s a map of the United States highlighting all the McDonald’s outlets located all across the country. Reports indicate that there are about 14,000 branches of the country’s fast-food outlet, the largest appropriation in the world. The only country to come close to it is Japan, with a total of 3,000 outlets. This makes Japan the second positioned country with the most branches.

Americas Love For The Golden Arches

Americas Love For The Golden Arches