A Single Cable
Two main cables run through the Golden Gate Bridge to keep it intact and function the way it does best. The photo you see here is one of the main cables that have been cut in half, and the view will certainly leave you speechless. The half-cut is just about as thick as a tree trunk and has the look of a heavy metal backdrop. This one major cable is actually the home of many other smaller cables – thousands in number! Each of these cables is made up of 61 smaller cables that have about 27,572 wires each.
This Wasp Nest Is Not As Dangerous
Wasp nests are generally made of tree bark – not the raw material but rather a broken-down version. Interestingly, wasps will eat the bark of certain trees, chew it, ensure it is broken down, and then regurgitate to make a compost-like material they will use to make their nest. If you notice, the nest is generally in a paper-like form thus, it was well processed. For sure, this nest does look a little terrifying, but really and truly, we doubt it is as dangerous as it looks. Just don’t mess with them, and you’ll be wonderful.