When You See These Black And White Photographs Turned To Color You Will Realize How Much We Have Developed

Published on 02/03/2021

Martin Luther King Jr. And Rosa Parks Talking In Montgomery, Alabama

You probably know Rosa Park’s most famous moment well. It was on December 1, 1955, that the Alabama seamstress hopped onto a bus. Rather than filing into the rear of the seating area, Rosa boldly remained in the front, a gesture which she was arrested for. This was a moment that would spark a widespread bus boycott that would last for 13 months. It would be a protest of unprecedented proportions for the time and light a flame for the Civil Rights Movement. Rosa’s bravery would also bolster Martin Luther King Jr.’s popularity.

Martin Luther King Jr And Rosa Parks Talking In Montgomery Alabama

Martin Luther King Jr And Rosa Parks Talking In Montgomery Alabama


The Master Of Engineering – Isambard Kingdom Brunel

Here we have Isambard Kingdom Brunel standing by the titanic anchor chain of one of his newly completed ships. He was an engineer who was behind a myriad of phenomenal projects, such as the Great Western Railway. This was an intricate system of bridges, tunnels, and viaducts that snaked across England’s West Midlands. He was an essential part of transatlantic shipping, erecting all manner of bridges and tunnels as well as constructing enormous ships. The first passenger line constructed with an iron-hull, called Great Britain, would arguably be his crowning achievement.

The Master Of Engineering

The Master Of Engineering