When You See These Black And White Photographs Turned To Color You Will Realize How Much We Have Developed

Published on 02/03/2021

The Kennedy Brothers Attend The Democratic National Convention

1960 was the year where one of the most important Democrat National Conventions was held in July of that year. John F. Kennedy was a senator then, who won the Democratic nomination largely thanks to the fantastic campaign that his brother Robert managed. It was also his passionate personality and oratory that brought him to this leadership. In this photograph we see John talking to his brother Robert about who he intended to make Vice President. They were seated in John’s hotel room, speaking softly about how Walter Reuther would not be the Vice President. John Loengard, the photographer at the scene, described how Robert would later storm out in a rage, swearing about how much he despised Lyndon Johnson.

The Kennedy Brothers Attend The Democratic National Convention

The Kennedy Brothers Attend The Democratic National Convention


The Wartime Princess Elizabeth Does Her Duty

England was a very different place during World War II where almost everyone banded together to do their patriotic duty, including Princess Elizabeth. She had to bend her King father’s ear to allow her to serve, and when she turned 18, she was permitted to begin her training as a mechanic and truck driver. She would sign on with the Women’s Auxiliary Territorial Service. We wonder if Queen Elizabeth II fondly thinks back on this time, today?

The Wartime Princess Elizabeth Does Her Duty

The Wartime Princess Elizabeth Does Her Duty