From Missouri To California – Drought Refugees Await Their Orange-Picking Jobs
Can you imagine feeling like an intruder in your own country? That was the lot of many Missouri-born families who were forced to flee for the Pacific Coast when their livelihoods were erased during the Dust Bowl. Such industrious people were regarded as freeloaders and received frosty receptions from Californian locals. This was just one of many scenes depicted in the Great Depression, where most Americans had to do what they could to survive. You were considered fortunate if you could get a job working in the fields for minimal salaries.

From Missouri To California
Breda Welcomes Dutch Resistance Fighters Following The Liberation of The Netherlands
Few Europeans could believe their eyes when they saw how Germany had begun waging war against most of Europe, sparking the commencement of World War II. With their Blitzkrieg tactics, the Nazis managed to swamp Europe in no time at all. With so many European countries’ governments and militaries destroyed or captured, it fell on the shoulders of ordinary people to become resistance fighters. These brave individuals would provide invaluable roles as saboteurs, spies, and intelligence agents. Here we have a couple of these brave individuals joyfully reunited following the 1944 liberation of Breda.

Breda Welcomes Dutch Resistance Fighters Following The Liberation Of The Netherlands