Headed For D-Day – The 1st Infantry Division Depart England
From June 1944 to August 1944, The Battle of Normandy would rage onwards as one of World War II’s most brutal campaigns in Western Europe. The motley crew of British, American, and Canadian troops that would make up the bulk of the Allies’ fighting forces could never have predicted what kind of explosive hell they were headed for. The campaign ran a day late, beginning June 6, due to poor weather conditions. Dwight Eisenhower would address the millions of young men, saying, “You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you.”

Headed For D Day
The Crow Fair Rodeo Being Watched By Crow Native Americans
1904 was the first year that the Crow Fair commenced. This was a significant reunion of various Native American groups, specifically from the Crow Nation, situated in the Great Plains. It saw many thousands of folks crowding in for celebration and festivity. The Crow Fair runs near Billings, Montana, generally in late August. Basically, this is a county fair with a Native American flavor, and you can bet that rodeos would be held every day of the event. Here, young and veteran cowboys would compete against each other to subdue wild and thrashing horses and bulls

The Crow Fair Rodeo Being Watched By Crow Native Americans