China – Dyed Teeth
It is common knowledge in much of the Western world that cleaning our teeth is essential in order to prevent tooth discolouration. However, this is not a global beauty criterion, as certain rural places in Asia have a varied perspective on the subject of attractiveness than urban ones.

China Dyed Teeth
The beauty of various Asian cultures is symbolized by the coloring of their teeth. In addition to demonstrating femininity, this ritual serves to inform other males in the tribe that they have a wife.
Brazil – Stick Piercing
The South American Yanomami clans may require a lengthy trip or boat journey to reach them; yet, upon there they will reveal that they have an entirely different concept of what beauty is. You might be wondering what we’re talking about, so have a look at the image below to find out.

Brazil Stick Piercing
Having stick piercings is considered to be an attractive physical characteristic for the ladies of this tribe. It is customary to place these piercings around the mouth and chin region. Do you have an opinion about it?