There Are 9 Million Bicycles…
One witness of the event called Marc described to The Guardian how astonished he was at how many Vélib bicycles had been found within the canal. He could only assume that these were stolen bikes that had been discarded into the canal once the thieves were done with them. Certainly, an enormous canal is a fantastic place to get rid of the evidence! But there would be more things that people would rather were never found again hidden in the Canal Saint-Martin.

There Are 9 Million Bicycles
Dirtier Than You Thought
While many foreigners are under the impression that Paris is some kind of heavenly and spotless utopia, for the people that live there, quite the opposite is sometimes true. One man named Bernard who was spotted at the scene called Paris filthy! As he watched the latest draining operation get into full swing, he was shocked to see how much debris had collected down there. “The last time, I don’t remember seeing so much rubbish in it,” Bernard said. “I despair. The youth are using it as a dustbin.”

Dirtier Than You Thought