A Litany Of Litter
The fish would certainly not miss the fathomless mounds of trash that people had so casually tossed into the Canal Saint-Martin. All manner of possessions were found in this watery expanse, but the most commonly spotted were bicycles. An enormous fleet belonging to the car-sharing network called Vélib happened to be the primary owner of most of the bicycles. In total, almost 14,500 bikes were stocked with the Vélib system at one point in 2007. Somehow, most of them would find unusual final resting places.

A Litany Of Litter
The Strangest Things
But bicycles would become comparatively tame finds as the workers continued to plumb the depths of the canal. At its darkest and deepest reaches, wheelie bins, mopeds, and more bicycles were exhumed. Someone even came across a toilet! Items like these were very important finds, as they largely contributed to the filthiness of the Canal Saint-Martin. That did not stop onlookers from enjoying a good laugh, however. But there was still more wonder for the dedicated crew to stumble across, even deeper into the canal.

The Strangest Things