Inspiring Brush Strokes
Even if you are not Christian, you cannot deny that this masterful work of art has a special effect on the viewer. According to The Bible, the last supper was literally that, the final meal that Jesus shared with his followers before he was betrayed by one of his disciples (who is included in the painting). Jesus was then handed over to the Romans, who executed him in an agonizing and humiliating manner. This event was also where the Holy Communion rite was born, which billions of Christians across the world take part in.

Inspiring Brush Strokes
The Most Significant Meal
But despite how influential this meal would become for Christians, it seemed that da Vinci was less focused on the fare, but more on the figures gathered and their emotional reactions to Jesus’s revelation. You see, da Vinci captured the moment where he informed his disciples that one of them was on the verge of betraying him, causing them to become hysterical. Then there is the symbolism. While there are plenty of clues, some are subtler…

The Most Significant Meal