Capturing The World’s Attention
“The Last Supper” is an iconic piece of art, that is for sure, and most people in the Western world can identify it without question. While there are plenty of people that claim to know it all when it comes to da Vinci’s emotive piece, they might still have plenty to learn. Experts have obsessed over the work for many, many years, while more popular theories and myths have emerged among the public. Do you know any myths surrounding this work of art?

Capturing The Worlds Attention
Plenty Of Theories
So, what kind of theories are we talking about in this instance? We can begin by discussing the figures within the painting itself. In the middle is seated Jesus Christ, the central figure of Christianity. Flanking him are his twelve disciples, who were Jesus’s most trusted and devoted followers. Following Christ’s brutal crucifixion, which itself is a central moment in the overall Biblical relevance, these disciples would journey throughout the world on a daring evangelical mission.

Plenty Of Theories