The Secret Was In Plain Sight
Gail had been sitting with the truth she discovered about her mother for almost two years now. She was certain that it had everything to do with her mother’s weird makeup obsession. Gail was sitting with half of the truth about her mother, and she knew that she needed to have a sit down with her to get the full story. The difference this time was that Gail had enough evidence to get Alvera to tell her the unknown truth.

The Secret Was In Plain Sight
The Shock Of Her Life
The letter needed no further interpretation, it was short and precise. The abbreviation “col” was decoded to “colored.” This shocked Gail and thought this was a mistake and maybe her mother didn’t know about it. Gail immediately recalled her mother’s weird behavior. One afternoon she went on to visit her mother to ask her defining questions. Alvera knew she had no way of keeping this a secret anymore, but dealt with reality.

The Shock Of Her Life