After Catching a Leather Purse on a Fishing Outing, The Search For Its Owner Takes a Fateful Turn

Published on 07/28/2020

Too Big To Be a Coincidence

What are the odds that Ben, who knows April from high school, would be involved in the bag being found? April wonders if this wasn’t more than just a coincidence and a divine way of being reconnected with an old family friend. Perhaps the universe wanted her bag to be returned home along with an old friend too.

Too Big To Be A Coincidence

Too Big To Be A Coincidence


Part of God’s Plan

Whenever April tells the story to her friends, they are quick to remind her that there may be a bigger plan at work with this discovery, beyond just getting her old possessions back. A devout Christian, April believes that God will reveal His plan in time. Until then, she is going to enjoy having these old items back, going down memory lane and sharing a new experience with her family in the process.

Part Of Gods Plan

Part Of Gods Plan