The Unusual Entrance
Despite lacking the fearless curiosity which would immediately drive other people straight down the foreboding entrance, Christopher did feel his resolve stirring. Maybe it was the promise of hidden treasure, but Christopher could feel himself being drawn toward this uncharted place. While most people would rather not walk straight into a potentially perilous situation, Christopher was undeterred. He began edging closer to that impenetrable darkness, almost ready to begin his quest.

The Unusual Entrance
The Dim Tunnel
Christopher made his way into what turned out to be a tunnel, caked in fallen leaves and mud. It was apparent that this blackened entryway had been formed and abandoned many years ago. Christopher found himself feeling a mixture of unavoidable fascination and caution. Although he was compelled to make his way further into the shaft, his better sense told him that there could be dangerous elements lying in wait.

The Dim Tunnel