Exhaustion And Despair
Christopher just could not go on any longer. He had never experienced so much unrelenting madness in one day – even just one of the enigmatic terrors on its own would have been enough to drive anyone to despair. He had to get some rest, and before he knew it his head was hanging, and he was finally falling into sleep. Or at least he would have if he did not feel his feet being pulled. Was he about to be dragged away?

Exhaustion And Despair
Get Out
Christopher leapt into the air as something gripped his feet and he fell back onto the floor. He scrambled to his feet and bolted for the front door faster than he had ever run in his life, and that was saying something considering his previous pursuits. Christopher regarded the night around him for a few still seconds and then sprinted through the garden like a thunderbolt for his car. He lunged into the driver’s seat, turned on the ignition and then gunned his way back to civilization in search of safety.

Get Out