Imagination Or Madness
Christopher was starting to doubt his sanity at a worrying level at this stage. Had anything that he had encountered actually happened? Even the real estate agent could have been a hallucination – that was how badly Christopher was beginning to doubt his perception. When faced with immense stress, the mind can begin playing tricks on itself, and Christopher wondered whether he was suffering some kind of mental breakdown. He needed help.

Imagination Or Madness
Plunged Into The Abyss
Christopher decided that the next step was to go back to his laptop for further research. As he loaded up his internet browser, a piercing screech burst out of the machine, the screen turning murkily black. Christopher threw his hands into the air as he wondered just what next incoming horror had been arranged for him. It seemed like everything that he touched was falling apart, like his world was crumbling into chaos.

Plunged Into The Abyss