Frozen Puppy Rescued And Brought Back To Life

Published on 11/26/2020

Cold Winter In Russia

Russia is known for some deadly type of winter, and it is not the easiest thing for anyone to get through with ease. Suppose it can be very hard for us humans to get warm, say a little fragile pup who doesn’t have the resources. She had to brave the conditions independently, and when this Russian woman found her in a puddle, she knew she had to do something urgently.

Cold Winter In Russia

Cold Winter In Russia


A Pup In The Puddle

The winter was icy and based on how the outdoor conditions were, it was nowhere for an animal, a dog for that matter, to be. So, when the woman saw the puppy lying in a puddle on the concrete in that weather, it was really heartbreaking. As she laid there, it seemed as though the worse had happened, and all hope was lost. But what caused this beautiful little creature to be out there?

A Pup In The Puddle

A Pup In The Puddle