The Retired Police Dog Barked At A Tree Until His Father Chopped It Down, Revealing A Hidden Wonder

Published on 02/08/2021

The Light Begins To Fade

Despite how joyous their reunion had been, it seemed like John and Kyle had to go their separate ways at some stage. They were miserable to have to part ways, but they had gotten so much out of this brief but powerful reunion. There was also the assured feeling that they would see each other soon, one that Kyle was certain of. John would go out of his way to drive up to the Smiths’ property as often as he could.

The Light Begins To Fade

The Light Begins To Fade


Saying Goodbye

John could not hold on any longer, despite how eagerly Kyle kept looking at him with his swishing tail and toothy smile. John’s old partner continued to leap at him, trying to hug him and stop him from leaving. John could barely bring himself to tear away from his beloved pal. He consoled himself by reassuring himself that Kyle had gone to a good home, knowing that the Smiths cared for him well and adored him almost as much as he did.

Saying Goodbye

Saying Goodbye