The Top Fifty Female Cosplay Artists Today

Published on 05/25/2020

#10 Gamora and Nebula

Gamora And Nebula

Gamora And Nebula

This photo takes the viewer right into an Avengers film. It features Sara Moni and Amber Skies who designed and made their own costumes. Sara’s work can be viewed as @sarsmonicosplay on Instagram and @KrayoloaKid on Twitter. Her overriding devotion to cosplay rules her life. Her partner in crime, Amber has her work showcased @theamberskies on Instagram and her Facebook account amberskiescosplay. She is just as fanatical about cosplay and together with Sara the two often demonstrate and display their joint creations.


#9 Cyclops



It is so easy in this day and age to buy a cosplay costume online. Some anachronistic players like Camila Menezes stick to how they were taught by making their outfits from scratch and that includes the design. That was how you did it in the infancy of cosplay. She is a cosplayer that garners a lot of respect. Find out more about her @camenezesx.