The Top Fifty Female Cosplay Artists Today

Published on 05/25/2020

#12 Black Panther

Black Panther

Black Panther

Aren’t ants mainly female? Only the minority soldier ants are male. Perhaps the creator of this gender-confused ant, Eternal Rose is trying to confuse us? The costume itself is made of a stretchy black material and the red from knitted fabric. Eternal Rose tells us that the ant helmet was a Xmas present. You can probably find a similar one online. Hobby lobby provided the silver piping on the suit. This was in fact, Eternal Roses debut as a cosplay designer and her suit is very impressive.


#11 Supergirl



Laney Jade has a massive following on social media and is found on most of the ‘best of’ lists when it comes to cosplayer comparisons. She is from Washington D.C and her accounts introduce her as someone who ‘loves dressing up’. Her best look is Batman, but her portfolio is packed with photos of all the other characters she has played. Many of you will remember Laney in her iconic Aquawoman role.