The Top Fifty Female Cosplay Artists Today

Published on 05/25/2020

#26 Kitana



The ‘Kitana Store’ makes custom-fitted costumes for cosplay fans and most report looking great once they are all dressed up. The costume even includes the extras such as the wig and tights and it’s only up to the customer to complete the look with their own take on makeup and any other accessories. This particular picture is actually of a costume model dressed in the Kitana outfit. Those of you who remember Mortal Konbat will really enjoy donning this costume and yelling out ‘finish him’ whilst in full Kitana regalia.


#25 Pepper Potts

Pepper Potts

Pepper Potts

This is a picture of an archetype Pepper Potts/Iron Man outfit. Katharina Kastian, a German cosplayer makes designs from scratch and when wearing her Pepper Potts outfit looks as if she could be the next casting for this Avengers character. The suit is lacquered, hard foam and Katharina says she had to try a few times before she perfected the shimmery look she was going for. You can find examples of her work by searching online under her name. Otherwise, visit her Etsy store to buy a custom costume with all the extras.