The Top Fifty Female Cosplay Artists Today

Published on 05/25/2020

#28 Mantis



Lianne hails from L.A and is an avid cosplayer. She has 2 Instagram accounts; @lianne507 and @lianne.cosplay. Both accounts are linked to her YouTube channel that details her cosplay enterprises. Her metamorphosis is amazing and she is considered one of the most beautiful women cosplayers in the world. See her version of Mantis to get an idea of what we are talking about. She is worth having a look at. You can also find more information on her incredible transformations on Tumblr.


#27 Raven



Oh-My-Sophii found her love of cosplay when her friend Cissa took her to a cosplay show way back in 2009. Since then, she has been an avid player. As you can see, this depiction of Raven is really good but she has a huge portfolio showing off all her other costumes that must be seen to be believed. She enjoys depicting comic and video gaming characters. You will love all her leather outfits as she looks really, really good in them! She is married though, worse luck and her hubby is her photographer so he is always around to keep her safe from fans like you. He produces excellent photos of her which you can take a gander at on her Instagram page, @OhMySophii.