How It Happened
While lawn blisters are a rare phenomenon, there have been reports of water becoming trapped beneath the plastic sheeting. As the water continues to collect in a single spot, with no way forward, the grass will begin to bulge as the pressure mounts.

How It Happened
In the case of the Carlingtons, they had experienced heavy rainfall during the previous night’s storm. This large surge of water would have become trapped under the plastic sheeting and formed the lawn blister. Could James have been hurt when he popped it?
Be Aware
Despite not looking quite scary, lawn blisters aren’t usually hazardous, but one should still approach them cautiously. Although popping lawn blisters will rarely lead to injury, they can be bad for their immediate surroundings.

Be Aware
As was the case in James’s investigation, a broken lawn blister can lead to flooding. One must dig a trench near a lawn blister before bursting it, so that the flood will not ruin a yard. Certainly, some people were critical of James’s gung-ho approach.