Life on the Run: The Iconic Story of Bonnie and Clyde

Published on 09/15/2020

The Barrow Gang

The duo not only committed their own crimes, but they showed some managerial skills as well. They started the Barrow Gang, which consisted of other outlaws and would eventually help them on their quest to evade authorities over time. Some of the gang members now notorious in the pages of history include Clyde’s brother Buck and his wife Blanche, Henry Methvin, Joe Palmer, Ralph Fults, Raymond Hamilton and W.D Jones. While not the biggest gang in the word, it certainly was a powerful group when all heads were put together.

The Barrow Gang

The Barrow Gang


The Demise of the Barrow Gang

Following a violent shootout with authorities in 1933, Clyde’s brother was fatally wounded and pronounced dead on the spot. The Barrow Gang was now starting to get smaller by the day.
In the ensuing scuffle, Blanche was captured and arrested. That left the gang two members short, and ultimately made Bonnie and Clyde even more vulnerable in their quest to evade capture.

The Demise Of The Barrow Gang

The Demise Of The Barrow Gang