Life on the Run: The Iconic Story of Bonnie and Clyde

Published on 09/15/2020

Rejection Letter

At one time in his life, Clyde had ambitions to enlist in the U.S Navy. Unfortunately, it was not to be, and he was rejected on medical grounds. He had suffered from malaria or yellow fever in his youth, which made him a liability to the navy at the time. As can be expected, Clyde did not take too well to the rejection. Even before he had heard from them, he already tattooed the letters “USN” on his arm as a reminder of his goals. This would eventually serve as a reminder of his failed attempt for the rest of his days on earth.

Rejection Letter

Rejection Letter


Buck The Criminal

Clyde didn’t become a criminal mastermind overnight without any help. His older brother Buck was a major influence on his wheeling and dealing, introducing Clyde to petty theft when he was very young. Didn’t take too long for the adrenaline rush related to petty theft to wear off. In a short space of time, Clyde’s petty theft turned into grand theft auto and serious armed robberies. This was the start of many run-ins with the law that would ultimately lead to him losing his life.

Buck The Criminal

Buck The Criminal