Can You Smell A Picture?
Some smells are so strong that we can almost smell them by just looking at a picture. If you close your eyes and think of a field full of lavender, you might be able to smell the scent of the lavender blossoms. The same could be said about a bunch of mints that have just been picked.

Can You Smell A Picture
Or, in this case, a picture of a candle that looks like a bowl of Cup Noodles because it was made with skill. Oh, the smell of the wax and the smell of the dried fish together are almost too much for me to handle.
Dating In The Victorian Era
Today, anyone who wants to find that one special person can choose from a wide range of dating apps that do almost all of the work for them and help them find the right one for them. In the Victorian era, dating was done a little bit differently than it is now.

Dating In The Victorian Era
One individual found an old “Victorian conversation setee for courting couples” on the side of the road. It begged us to let it into the house. A man and a woman could talk to each other without their knees touching because of how the chairs were set up.