People Talk About The Strangest And Most Amazing Things They Find Secondhand

Published on 07/26/2022

Needs To Blow Off Steam

Since fighting to destroy the Jedi Order and working for the Galactic Empire are both hard jobs, it’s important to take a break every so often to blow off some steam and relax. Darth Vader’s favorite thing to do when he’s not trying to crush the Rebel Alliance or doing what the Emperor tells him to do is kayaking, so it’s no surprise that he likes the sport. In his free time, when he’s not working or studying, he likes to go paddling.

Needs To Blow Off Steam

Needs To Blow Off Steam

At the very least, it looks like the person who made this poster had this idea in mind when they were making it. The piece of art was given to Good Will for some unknown reason and the person who found it didn’t think twice about taking it with them when they left.


Doppleganger In A Piece Of Furniture

Finding your doppelganger, which is a person who looks exactly like you but is not related to you physically, can be both funny and scary at the same time. It’s a whole different challenge to find someone who looks exactly like you. This woman found one of her twins hiding under a piece of furniture.

Doppleganger In A Piece Of Furniture

Doppleganger In A Piece Of Furniture

The person says that the object in question is made of bakelite, but it looks like a very expensive thing. Aside from that, it is also very heavy. “I don’t know anything about it, but she looks like a crazy version of me, so… she’s mine now,” she said about the other person.