Classic Salt And Pepper Shakers
There are many different shapes, sizes, and colors of salt and pepper shakers to choose from. They could look like the usual clear glass bottles with silver metal caps, or they could look like almost anything else the designer wants them to look like. This is one of the many reasons why we just can’t get over this set.

Classic Salt And Pepper Shakers
Make sure you don’t get the wrong idea about us. As a group, we like people who are creative and have a good sense of humor. But there must be some kind of law about food since the thought of having a pair of feet next to our plate seems like the worst thing that could happen. It’s easy to see why the person who found this item at a thrift store left it where they found it.
Elvis Presley Is In The Building!
When we hear the term “secondhand store,” the word “knick-knacks” is generally the first thing that springs to mind. Decorating items for the house, such as vases and other decorative items. If you go to a second-hand store, you could stumble across a huge one like the one we’re looking at now.

Elvis Presley Is In The Building
This picture clearly shows that Elvis Presley’s head is about two and a half times the height of a human being standing at their maximum height. Because we do not think Elvis Presley could fit through the escape door, he may be still present on the property.