Garage Sales Be Weirdly Satisfying
For many people, garage sales are one of the most popular places to shop. First of all, going through your next-door neighbor’s stuff might be a strangely fun thing to do, and you never know what kind of treasure you might find there.

Garage Sales Be Weirdly Satisfying
But you should know that you might find something you don’t want when you look through the used cooking tools and clothes. This person was looking through the things for sale at a garage sale when they came across a collection of what looked like human teeth. After looking at them for about a minute, they finally left the place in a quiet and unhurried way. We’re hoping that the person in charge of putting together the sale is a dentist.
After All It’s Bob Ross
This person found a huge cardboard cutout of the famous art teacher Bob Ross. At first, they didn’t know what to think of it. But after thinking about it for a while, they decided that they should bring it home with them. Even though it wasn’t exactly cheap (it cost $35 at a thrift store), we think it was a good financial move to buy it.

After All Its Bob Ross
It’s still Bob Ross at the end of the day! Do you feel better when you just look at the smiling face carved out of cardboard? Also, if the person’s spouse asks about the purchase, they might say it was a “happy little mistake” and not admit that they bought it. This way, they wouldn’t have to admit that they made the purchase.