Meet Some Of The Unluckiest People In Human History And Learn About Their Worst Cases Of Bad Luck.

Published on 09/21/2022

Ronald Wayne

Steve Jobs is credited with being the inventor of the personal computer age. On April 1, 1976, Jobs was also one of the co-founders of Apple, along with Steve Wozniak. However, Ronald Wayne was also a participant in this. Wayne was an entrepreneur in the field of electronics which made significant contributions behind the scenes, one of which was designing the first Apple logo. On the other hand, he did not like working with Jobs, so he decided to sell his shares in the company.

Ronald Wayne

Ronald Wayne

A year later, he was paid $800 and $1,500 in return for his agreement to waive any prospective claims he could have against Apple. If he had continued to work for the company, the aggregate of these amounts would today amount to $35 billion. Wayne says that he doesn’t regret his decision, even though it costs him a lot of money. One thing is certain: that is a lot of cash!


Walter Summerford

It is a relatively distant likelihood that you will be struck by lightning unless your name is Walter Summerford. Summerford was an athlete, which might have made it more likely for him to get hit by lightning, but it can’t explain why it happened to him three times in his life.

Walter Summerford

Walter Summerford

Even though he was not the very first person to be struck by lightning, he is well recognized for the unusual event of being struck by lightning. The burial mound where he was located was hit by lightning in 1916, four years after he had passed away. Summerford’s life was filled with such bad luck that his problems persisted even after he passed away. How insane!