Meet Some Of The Unluckiest People In Human History And Learn About Their Worst Cases Of Bad Luck.

Published on 09/21/2022

Antonio Meucci

The majority of people are under the impression that Alexander Graham Bell was the one who initially conceived of the concept for the telephone. However, he was not the one who made the discovery in communication that led to such a significant shift in the direction that history took. According to popular belief, an Italian businessman was the one who first conceived of the notion. But everything that occurred was merely a result of unfortunate circumstances and terrible luck.

Antonio Meucci

Antonio Meucci

Alexander Graham Bell has an extremely unfavorable reputation among the populace in Italy. Meucci is credited as being the true inventor of the telephone in Italian educational systems due to the fact that he conceived of the device five years before Alexander Graham Bell. But Meucci passed away before he was ever acknowledged for the things he had accomplished. There is nothing about the circumstance that isn’t depressing. It is imperative that Meucci get some praise and acknowledgment for his contributions.


Henry Ziegland

Henry Ziegland is not a typical victim of misfortune; most people do not suffer as many setbacks as he has. Throughout his life, Ziegland has narrowly avoided death on several occasions. To begin, in the year 1883, he ended his relationship with a lady he had been seeing, which ultimately led to her taking her own life. Ziegland was the target of her brother’s aggression because he was having trouble getting over the loss of their mother. He made the threat. Ziegland was tracked down in the end, but he was able to evade capture and escape being put to death.

Henry Ziegland

Henry Ziegland

On the other hand, the brother of one of Ziegland’s ex-wives committed suicide because he believed the former husband was already deceased. After a number of years had passed, he made the decision to take down the tree in which the bullet that had missed him was still lodged. After chopping down the tree, he blew it up, and the resulting explosion was what ultimately caused death to him. That is completely insane!