Special Riding Order
The groups can be pretty large, and when they are riding, they can consume an entire roadway. Interestingly, the order that they ride in is not a spontaneous affair. In order to ensure that they ride with order and safety, both for them and for others on the roads, they make sure that at all times, the road captain and the charter president must remain ahead of the pack.
After them, the various ranks of the charter follow through with seniors next in line, then other members, and the back row will comprise of the prospects.

Special Riding Order
They All Make One Stop
As they are a tight-knit group, if a member of the clan gets pulled over by the cops, all the members stop (maybe as a form of unity and support). In addition to showing their link as a brotherhood, they also do this to maintain their riding positions.
Also, in the case where someone messes with one member of the clan, they have indeed messed with everyone else. That being said, not many people would have the mind to mess with a large clan of bikers whose history is based on the image of the tough guy.

They All Make One Stop