Being a Hang-Around
After hanging around for a while and you become an eligible prospect, it is a step going forward for you. This is the start of this process, and as it goes on, you will get a chance to visit some of their meetings or even hang around in their public gathering places.
As a hang-around, you get a chance to meet the members of the club, connect with them, and get a closer feel of what the lifestyle is like.

Being A Hang Around
Prospect After a Hang-Around
When people hang around for a while, and they are still interested, they will become an associate. As an associate, they will stick around for a few more years and get more details on how the club operates, spend time with members, and show the team how dedicated they were in putting their lives forward to the growth of the club. The next upgrade from an associate is becoming a prospect. Prospects do have a little privilege as they get the chance to attend closed meetings, but they are not allowed to vote on critical issues – or no issues for that matter. Daily, these prospects are put on a trial to prove how much they are ready for the club’s mission until they become full-fledged members. They can wear a cut with a patch which highlights the charter they are a part of.

Prospect After A Hang Around