Things That Nobody Appreciates But The Boomer Generation

Published on 04/22/2021

The Milkman

Bet you thought the milkman was only a joke in the old Tom and Jerry cartoons. Once every household in America received their milk for free daily from a small truck that drove around, today only certain people still make use of such services, and milk doesn’t really have its own exclusive truck now. No one these days will ever understand the concept of waiting for the milkman. Thankfully, we purchase milk in a more modern fashion these days.

The Milkman

The Milkman


TV Time Is Over

At one stage channels used to sing the National Anthem and switch off services for the evening, leaving nothing but snow and static on the country’s television screens. Today we’re used to all the channels running at least something for 24 hours of the day, so the idea that a whole channel can just switch off is a foreign concept. Thankfully, TV time never ends these days and there are practically no channels left that sign off at any certain time.

TV Time Is Over

TV Time Is Over