Electronic Calculator Amusement
The idea of a calculator is such a common thing now because it’s an application that just comes with every single smartphone, however, boomers seem to still see Calculators as luxuries or a sign of someone’s lack of intelligence. Well, I’ll be damned if I had to do my taxes without my calculator, so take that. Calculators are such a necessity in today’s time, and we can’t imagine our lives without them now.

Electronic Calculator Amusement
Howdy Doody Dolls
Say it with me kids! Howdy Doody is creepy! This doll was a common thing in the average 1950s household after its television debut on NBC’s Puppet Playhouse. This doll captured the heart of children everywhere at the time but today with the new quality and look of dolls we can’t help but notice that it was ugly and scary and would probably give children nightmares. Its merchandise is considered collector’s items today, but we still think this doll belongs in that class case with Annabelle.

Howdy Doody Dolls