Fuzzy Toilet Seat Covers
I just talked about the cons of shag carpeting, so why not just slap it onto a toilet seat, sounds smart, right? I never understood this tacky trend. How do you keep it soft? What happens if you mess on it? Why is this considered cute when it’s really not? These strange covers provide us with more questions than answers, and remember how shag carpet feels? You do! Imagine sitting on it with your bare butt. Excuse me while I go rethink Boomer’s life choices.

Fuzzy Toilet Seat Covers
I don’t really have anything bad to say about vinyl records except that they’re outdated, fragile and massive. Sure they take up space and if you’re not careful, they’ll be shattered, but one can’t deny the sound quality of a record, and the fancy vintage feels you get when you play one on one of those cool record players you got at Target. The Baby Boomers may have destroyed the ozone layer, but they also made vinyl, so thanks, I guess.
