Things That Nobody Appreciates But The Boomer Generation

Published on 04/22/2021

Socks And Sandals

White ankle socks are a questionable fashion choice already, but slapping a sandal on underneath them is an offense. If you think about the purpose of sandals, wearing socks kind of misses the point, and isn’t it uncomfortable having the sandal strap slip between your toes with socks on? Think about it, that sounds horribly irritating. Please stop, just stop. It looks untidy and honestly makes no sense, if you really want to cover your feet, just wear a regular shoe like everyone else.

Socks And Sandals

Socks And Sandals


Phone Books

Who still has a phone book? Okay, who uses it for more than a paperweight or deadly weapon? Exactly. I’m a modern world they’ve become irrelevant, with our friends and families numbers saved on our smartphones we don’t need to look them up or memorize them, and if you’re looking for a specific person, there are multiple online platforms to contact them on that doesn’t require a phone number, and if you’re looking for a business, they’re contact details are but a Google search away. You can of course still get a phone book if you really want to, if someone ever breaks into your house, these yellow page bricks can be a great defense mechanism when thrown or swung.

Phone Books

Phone Books