Connected To The Church
As we discussed above, the people from Amish community are expected to remain connected to the church, because if they are choosing their way out, they will be completely shunned from their family and neighborhood. There will remain no contact with their families and this is quite a significant reason why a whopping 90% of Amish youngsters choose to stay connected with the church. When it comes to disconnecting with the family, no one wants to give up that.
A Darker Hue
The community is said to be quite positive and peace-loving where they tend to remain honest with themselves and others in almost every situation, there is an aspect in their lives that carries a bit of darker light. As the necessity along with demand for small-scale agriculture is decaying in the States and the farm prices are on an all-time high, there are a number of communities in the Amish religion that have settled on dog farming as their primary income source. In all the United States’ puppy mills, approximately 20% are owned and operated by Amish people.