Going Natural Today
To an extent we understand the obsession, we all know the iconic sneaker brand, Chuck Taylors, which you may have in your shoe rack. However, it is inexcusable, this chap could have come up with a different idea and placement or his tattoo. Since you have gone with a bad idea, why not go all the way? His tattooed sneaker is missing the entire sole. The real concern here is that the tattoo artist has truly done a good job, although he probably should have recommended against this extreme foot tattoo.
This Is Not My Mother!!
It’s tattooed like this, that you hope it’s just a black marker drawing. Look at this tattoo, absolutely no one can make out what it is, but a large eye circle. We all know that children are honest, and this newborn baby looked at mom with confusion and judgment. Nothing more can be said about this mess. There is genuinely no saying just what this young mm had in mind when getting this face tattoo done. Once again, face tattoos are not the best idea.