A New Disaster
In 1982, the Grayback was engaged in an accident that resulted in the deaths of five Navy divers. This was the second tragedy to strike the ship. After participating in a training dive, the men involved returned to the vessel, which was sailing in Subic Bay, near the Philippine island of Luzon at the time of the incident. They perished, however, when a critical ventilation valve failed to function correctly in the decompression room where they were trapped.

A New Disaster
End Of Service
The Navy eventually decommissioned the other Grayback in January 1984, not long after this tragic occurrence occurred on the high seas. However, she still had one more task to fulfill. Surprisingly, this necessitated the use of a bright orange color scheme to adorn the submarine. The submarine was subsequently taken out to Subic Bay on April 13, 1986, where she was destroyed and used for target practice before being wrecked again. And with that, the Grayback’s saga came to an ultimate conclusion.

End Of Service